Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Back on plan and weird dreams

Okay, so the two things don't actually go together but this is going on in my life right now. I got back on plan yesterday by journaling my food and taking a brisk 1 mile walk. Made me feel so much better after the wild weekend that I had. I know that I can let go once in awhile and still maintain control, whihc is a real breakthrough for me. In the past, I would have just said "screw it" and never looked back. But, I really want this lifestyle to work and I know that I have few choices. It is either get healthy or die. Simple as that!
The weird dream is another issue. As I have stated in a previous post, I life kind of an alternate life when I am away from work and that is with the Society for Creative Anachronism, my medieval group. This past weekend, we went to Raleigh for an event and I was Lady Katharine de la Vache for the whole weekend. Well, last night I dreamnt that Ralph had one Crown Tournament, an event where fighters contend to become King and their significant others become Queen. It is a big deal and for a whole year, you are caught up in living this dream. You wear a crown and you get dressed up in some very fancy garb and you attend events as the royal representative. It is a very big deal and a very important one. It also can be very demanding. Well, in this dream, Ralph won and I was freaking out because we would be King and Queen for Pennsic War, held every August in Pennsylvania. Unless you have been around the Society, you may not grasp the significance of this, but it scared the hell out of me in my dream! I kept telling my husband "We can't do this! We have never been Royalty and we know nothing about running a war!" Everybody around us seemed to be ignoring me. An Ralph wasn't too worried either. This is very weird because Ralph does not fight anymore. I wish I knew what it all meant.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hmmm....dreams. Interesting. Don't be afraid of the challenge! You and Ralph can be in charge, there's no doubt about that.