Monday, February 19, 2007

What is it going to take?

What is it going to take to stay on this journey? Well, not willpower, as that fades in the sunset. And, not just eating alone, without exercise. Not just exercise, because I may end up using that as an excuse to eat more.No, I think it is going to take a lot of planning for everyday and every occasion. I found that out when I tried to get thru an SCA event without prior planning. Wrong! I had no choices and I was so hungry that I ate everything that I could. So, prior planning is the key. But, will I end up getting tired of planning everything in advance? I have in the past and that is what killed my good intentions. I am going to have to talk this out with my leader and see what suggestions are out there.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think you may find that planning the meals becomes part of the whole experience, so don't think of it separately but as another block to check in preparation for a trip. When you mentally separate the food preparation, I think you're adding emphasis to how different it is. Make sense? Remember, I'm a doctor, or at least I play one on tv.