Monday, February 12, 2007

More thought needed

I have come to the realization that if I am going to continue this journey, I am going to have to really think out my weekends. Especially if I want to continue to play in the SCA (my medieval group). We went up to Raleigh this past weekend for an event known as Ymir ( pronounced and I did not plan much at all in the way of what we would be eating. As a consequence, we ate a lot! And not all of it was good-for-you food. I had cookies and cake ( a couple of pieces) and meat and bread and beans and....well, you get the picture ( and not a very pretty one at that). My problem here is that I find myself on such a strange schedule when we go to these things and I never can plan ahead nor have access to my cooler of food or a place to cook anything, so we catch things on the fly, so to speak. I want to really sit down and plan out hiow I am going to handle the next event that I go to ( which will be in a couple of weeks) so that this all out eating thing doesn't happen again.

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