Saturday, January 20, 2007

Imade it to 10!

I lost 1.2 pounds last week and I made it to 10 pounds gone! Yeah me! I feel so much confidence that I can do this, because I was out of town last weekend and the pickings were not the greatest. I even went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch on Sunday, ate well, and still lost. I am happy because I can be normal and eat well. I am not on a diet, but a new lifestyle.

I don't think I mentioned that my husband is also on Weight Watchers now. He has lost 8.8 in 2 weeks. I am proud of him and it makes it so much easier to be on program, cuz he now understands what I am doing. He is on core which I equate to an Atkins like plan. He eats mainly lean meats and veggies. Any starches that he eats he counts as points. I love him dearly because he has gone thru our pantry and pretty much labeled the point values on everything for us. It makes it so much easier and convenient to know before you eat something how many points it will cost.

I am going to start going to the gym this Monday. I figure that the only time I can fit a workout in is early in the morning, like 5:00 am. I know, sounds like a nightmare, but I want to make exercise a habit and I really detest working out after work. I just want to go home. So, I will get up, put on my gear, go to the gym, work out and then come home to eat and get ready for work. We'll see how this works out.

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