Sunday, January 21, 2007

My 10 greatest songs list

Okay my friend, here is my list of 10 greatest songs, according to Laura:

1) The Marine's Hymn - Makes me feel all goosebumpy and proud
2) Beethoven's 5th - sorry, can't beat the classics!
3) Turn the Page - Bob Seeger - again, can't beat the classics :)
4) Black Water - The Doobie Brothers
5) I Believe in You - Il Divo
6) You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban version
7) Amazing Grace - Anybody's version
8) Notre Dame Fight Song - Hey, no rules here
9) Hotel California - The Eagles
10) Anything by the Beatles

My music list is very eclectic, but that's okay. I am a child of the 70's and we are known for a wide range of thoughts. I have a lot more favorites and my list might change from day to day, but the first 3 on the list will always stay the same. Being a former Marine, the song always makes me stand and be proud. That is why my work out music contains running chants from the US Marine Corps women Marines. I get so motivated when I put on my MP3 player with these chants playing. And at 250+ pounds, I can still get my feet to pound out a short running stint when I get going. Of course, I don't run very far, but hey, I am running! Hoo-Rah! And, my goal for the end of 2007 is to run in the New Year 5k run at Camp Lejeune. I will do it!


Julie said...

Wow - that was fast! You obviously don't need to think about it as much as I do. I purposely kept my list secular but if I hadn't I would have definitely added "Onward, Christian Soldiers." I've always loved that song. Reminds me of summers in Vacation Bible School. People don't sing it much anymore - it's too martial for a church. And congratulations on the weight loss. I'm very proud, and still a bit jealous. I need to get focused like you!

Caroline said...

Great list, Laura. I'm a seventies kid too, so I really liked some of your pop choices. My brother earned his Phd. in Medieval History from Notre Dame, so of course I had to appreciate that choice too!