Monday, January 22, 2007

Selling thin

Have you noticed how many commercials there are for diets, diet products, get thin quick stuff? It is obvious a big income business or advertisers would not be bothering with it. But, the ads come right next to ads for fast food eats. And these ads are gross! I hate to see someone gulping down french fries like they were the last food available on earth. And people eating the residue off of paper wrappings makes me ill. There has to be a better way to market these things. I just have to wonder what consumer these are aimed at? Listen up ad agencies; I will not eat at your restaurant and neither will my firneds because you make the food look so unappetizing!! I know in the grand scheme of things, this isn't much, but it is to me.

I didn't go to the gym. I slept in and that means that I will be going this afternoon, after work. No more excuses, just do it!

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